Bug & Bido

Bug and Bido are two dog brothers who love and cherish one another. Bido is older and suffers from Dementia so his younger brother, Bug, helps him out.

Follow their adventures of love and laughter as they navigate a world that is looking a little different to Bido these days.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Kimberlee Countryman and I am the author and creator of Bug & Bido.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles and always had an affinity for animals because of my Dad. We grew up on a ranch in Pear Blossom where we had dogs, cats, chickens, and horses. I’ve had everything, but chickens, ever since.

The idea to write a children’s book came to me many years ago, but I wasn’t exactly sure what topic to write about until my senior dog, Bido, started to develop Dementia.

Shortly after Bido was diagnosed, my Uncle was diagnosed as well. Watching the disease alter my loved ones was scary and heartbreaking, but to also witness their courage and resilience was ultimately what sparked me to dive into writing about mental health and the challenges within.

My hope is to help kids navigate different mental health issues with their loved ones by creating cute adventures with animals.

Hope you enjoy the journey!

Contact the Author

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